Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. The controversy is real. •~•
  2. My tut toots. ?
  3. I just call em my bitches
  4. Tuht all the way
  5. How is it confusing? lmao

    I just pronouce the whole u sound, so it sounds like tyoo-tors  Therefote I pronouce tut as tyoot 

    So easy 
  6. Lmao I love this thread!

  7. you know too when calling pupils its sometimes pup or pupu.

    How would you pronounce that?

    pewp? pwewpwew?

    @___@ mind blowing =____=
  8. I do a sorta in between thing it's hard to explain but it's neither of those two 
  9. Tûts 
  10. Tuts. As in king tut
  11. It's pronounced tats
  12. I was told today I mispronounce hustle...
  13. Neither
  14. King Tutankhamen
  15. Apparently hustle is pronounced hussle..