6 best friends (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MissLavender, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Valilah:

    Hey Summer! Robyn is still asleep, maybe jetlagged.
  2. Summer :
    "Jetlagged from a car ride i dont know. When will you start dinner "
    - I unpack my bags -
  3. Valilah:

    Maybe, I will have a quick dip in the pool then I'll cook dinner.
  4. Ryu:

    -Yells from outside- Come on guys! Gonna stay in all day?
  5. Carter:
    *whispers*Ry who u goin for bro
  6. Ryu:

    Going for? All I know is that I like Summer
  7. Valilah:

    -Goes out while wearing a bikini:

    This is gonna get cool! -I jump to the pool-
  8. Carter

    Thats what i meant.
  9. Carter:

    My "crush" i would say is Vililah
  10. Ryu:

    -Falls backwards with a bloody nose- Well.
  11. Carter:

    *Hears thump and sees Ryu on floor and calls fo help*
  12. Valilah:

    -Jumps out of Pool- What happened?
  13. Carter:

    He just fainted with a bloody nose. I whipped most of it up
  14. Ryu:

    -Sits up- I'm good.
  15. Carter

    *looks at u* are u sure bro
  16. Ryu:

    I should be fine as long as the other two don't come running out her in bikinis.
  17. Valilah:

    -Rushes inside- No... Not blood... (Valilah is afraid of blood because of her sad past: Her mother was killed.. His brother nearly killed her too: That is why she hates sad people)
  18. Ryu:

    Sorry! -crosses my legs and wipes the blood on my sleeve-
  19. Valilah:

    -Dresses with another decent blouse and skirt- Hey! Sorry about that.....