Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Yeah thanks for answering.
  2. ??what's misc bonus do???
  3. Speakers which are used in wc only you can not sell speakers but you can buy them for 1 ec or gain them free every 24 hours...3 speakers when really really low and 5 speakers when your 1kc or up you cancan own up to 26 speakers at Max for normal player and you can own up to 5000 as a mod

    Misc means miscellaneous

    Hope that clearly explained misc
  4. Hun...everyone knows what misc means...and you can have up to 25 free speakers, it just takes 26 or wc ca (world chat, chat announcement)...just gotta buy that 26th one ?
  5. what is forum and where i can find it
  6. Misc bonus is similar to tb in away that it's an invisible bonus that helps you in battles. I'm too tired to explain to much more than that lol
  7. What to do when you were silenced for the first time and the allotted 24hrs is done and you're still silenced?i think it's my 2day being silenced so its more than 48hrs I think :3 thank you 
  8. How do I troll RP people?
  9. Thank you very much 
  10. In how many hours more to Get our Prizes?
  11. how to become a better rper
  12. I gots a question?
  13. How much do you get back for evicting a t6 lvl 1?
  14. 20% for the amount of whatever you've spent ( TOTAL) on dorm mates
  15. Just started to play, what are kcs?
  16. K=thousand
    Cs=combined stats

    If you go to your profile it will tell you how much your strength and intelligence stats are, by adding those up you will get your cs, and we use k for thousands or m for millions just to make or shorter like 50kcs instead of 50,000cs