my main

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Renamed04526, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Coming to a news feed near you
  2. Cool,pax pansies are already in mine. Bring it on pax,y'all can't handle a even fight lmao
  3. I actually like pax now if they are farming you rune You're stupid so 
  4. Are you SP'ing? 
  5. I wanna sp!
  6.  You bring your main to my newsfeed, and I'll come right back to yours darlin. ️
  7. More attention hungry than Amanda Bynes 2k13
  8. No abusement
    I'm jumping through giant doughnuts in space and its causing me to be dtw
    Of course I'm sping
  9. ^ Someone seems a little salty.
  10. Sass overload
  11. Swag overload.

    Please restart.
  12. I told Prozac I was going to prank dtw you, if I want planning on SF a guy I would be on you also :)

    You wanted to BC In a month? I'll use my 4 accounts to pin you 
  13. If I wasn't *