Takes up to 2 hours to distribute rewards. Our team lost, not a good feeling. Looking forward to Argentina war to kick ass and be top hitter! Hope you all had fun in Germany iwar
I'm assuming it's taking longer due to the random draw of winners who will get the jersey's, every one will get their tux, money and their battle gloves and crown(crown only for the winning club), and if you're lucky you will get a jersey in time, just chill out and relax a bit and wait.
There was barely anyone who warred, we only made around 200 mil with around 20 people in my club. The sign up should be more visible to other players.
Thanks for giving us individual wars again ata and doing during non-hunt. Hopefully you'll give us more during non-hunt times. That being said can you please distribute awards so we can leave the war clubs. Been almost an hour since it ended