Lmao tbh I love blacks just as much as any other race. I'm white but I have a lil girl in my arms that is asleep. She is mixed black & white. It isn't the color that makes the ppl it is the person themselves. Op I never broke a rule at all so no I don't have to leave just bcuz i'm saying I don't agree. This much I have already learned op's can't do. Pickles made a point about it and tbh with what op said does come off like that.
And asking people to leave your thread because they don't agree with you also is unfair. You posted a thread to get comments.
No, Pickles. That's if the original poster made the thread addressing you. ️ She asked you to leave, so please do so kindly.
Ok, I ruined this thread by stating that I would like to see it open to all races? That's called a suggestion. And normal criticism. Man, people don't know how things work.
They're purposely causing a disturbance that isn't necessary. My thread isn't racist. It's because of people like them that's it's so hard to have a decent discussion in forums. But I'm still going to try.
Webby if anyone comments with a players name they can post again. Go look up the rules. Hell a noob was clear to show me the rules about making ppl leave the thread. Ppl are on topic. As op also said this is a public forums and ppl are allowed to comment.
Pickles, if you would like it to be open to all races, make your own thread. Alice made something that specifically wanted Blacks. There is nothing wrong with that. She never insulted or degraded any other race.