Free 10-15B DVP

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OnlineClient, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Whats your main account
  2. 15 bil please I helped your alt with my main 
  3. This is a SCAM!!
  4. 15bil  Thanks in advance 
  5. Is everybody broke? Obviuosly cause I cant get vollyed in the world of PIMD,Seriously......Can a noob get volleyed ever?
  6. Can I have one 15b I currently have 17b
  7. I cant get volleyed cause im silenced? What does that have to do with anything????
  8. No more DVP I'm going to be broke. I'll message the lucky ppl tomorrow. Night ?
  9. I need it,Anything u can give????
  10. Just hire all my tuts.

    Thanks in advance ;)
  11.  I want 10 bill pleaseeee, I hae 2 bill so it won't take long haha ?
  12. 15 b
    Thank you so much ???
  13. 15B plz and Thx
  14. 13Byea I'm different