This guide is to show how much each crew costs and how much strenght and intelligence they give you. There are two tiers. Tier 1 and tier2. Strenght will be on the left and intelligence on tge right. Tier 1 Rastafarian $1,000 Freshman- 400 300 $6,300 Sophomore- 800 600 $36,000 Junior- 1600 1200 $168,000 Senior- 3200 2400 Total cost=$211,300 Sorority girl $1,000 Freshman- 300 400 $6,300 Sophomore- 600 800 $36,000 Junior- 1200 1600 $168,000 Senior- 2400 3200 Total cost=$211,300 Goth girl $1,000 Freshman- 200 500 $6,300 Sophomore- 400 1000 $36,000 Junior- 800 2000 $168,000 Senior- 1600 4000 Total cost=$211,300 Cheerleader $1,000 Freshman- 500 200 $6,300 Sophomore- 1000 400 $36,000 Junior- 2000 800 $168,000 Senior- 4000 1600 Total cost=$211,300 Intellectual hero $1,000 Freshman- 100 600 $6,300 Sophomore- 200 1200 $36,000 Junior- 400 2400 $168,000 Senior- 800 4800 Total cost=$211,300 Party guy $1,000 Freshman- 600 100 $6,300 Sophomore- 1200 200 $36,000 Junior- 2400 400 $168,000 Senior- 4800 800 Total cost=$211,300 Tier 2 I recommend tier 2 to anybody who makes over $15000 in each fight. Coputer hacker $225,000 Freshman- 900 5400 $250,000 sophomore- 1300 8100 $300,000 junior- 2000 12100 $350,000 senior- 3000 18200 Total cost=$1,125,000 Suburban rapper $225,000 Freshman- 4500 1800 $250,000 Sophomore- 6700 2700 $300,000 Junior- 10100 4000 $350,000 Senior- 15200 6000 Total cost=$1,125,000 Muscle mcflau $225,000 Freshman- 5400 900 $250,000 Sophomore- 8100 1300 $300,000 Junior- 12100 2000 $350,000 Senior- 18200 3000 Total cost=$1,125,000 Study Nazi $225,000 Freshman- 1800 4500 $250,000 Sophomore- 2700 6700 $300,000 Junior- 4000 10100 $350,000 Senior- 6000 15200 Total cost=$1,125,000 The hipster $225,000 Freshman- 2700 3600 $250,000 Sophomore- 4000 5400 $300,000 Junior- 6000 8100 $350,000 Senior- 9000 12200 Total cost=$1,125,000 Sleazy girl $225,000 Freshman- 3600 2700 $250,000 Sophomore- 5400 4000 $300,000 Junior- 8100 6000 $350,000 Senior- 12200 9000 Total cost=$1,125,000 Remember in order to upgrade you need the money. I recommend fighting and dance offs. I hoped I help. I will update when the tier 3 comes out. Sorry for any mispelled words. i will update when tier 3 comes out.
There was a guide for this I could of plaguerised? And to think I wasted like 6 million and 20 minutes doing these today
The only reason I bumped this,so pimd players can see what all the old players started off with,,,,no T4 or T5