Okay So Pimd is a 17+ Game yet there are children playing this game and why? Because they aren't taut better. They think of violence and everything as a joke! What if those children have parents who play Pimd? Wow that's just Great! Children nowadays see everything as a joke because of their Parent's. Discipline. You. See children playing violence Call of Duty games and even worse, their parent's bought them the game! My point in all this is that children aren't the blame if they play this game, the parent's are. Thank you!!
If you ever read ToU, it states that 13 year olds can play with parental supervision. If they are under that age limit they are breaking ToU and RoC(same thing just rephrased) To download the app you must be 17
I play violent video games and I'm very passive and quiet It's very hard to actually make me mad.-.
Depends on their ability to comprehend and know what's good or wrong. Not all kids will grow up physcopathic if they play video games. I've been playing violent videogames since 9 years old, I developed normally and I haven't committed any sick crimes.
I played violent video game's when I was a kid and didn't grow up a bad person it's all about the kind of brain u have
Don't call me bro. You Don't know me! Did you get offended by this? Maybe because this is your situation?
These games will affect every individual differently, obviously some more than others and then some not at all. They are not the main factor of these crimes being committed anyways, it's usually a bad upbringing along with it.
I Don't think this game should have a age requirements. Like you all have said and noticed It's up to the young if he is Smart and Can understand what can happen. Most kids play this game to chat and have nothing better to do