[Idea]Back To School Event

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheoIsaac, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. I was thinking that we could have back to school event. With a usuall hunt and themed party. And we can won avis wit the same method as the prom event. Thats good to me cuz its simple and not complicated. And mybe u devs can tweak it to make it more unique. Well thats my idea u don't have to really follow it. I just like simple event but fun and more creative. Lately u guys have been less creative as i saw in some post and the game itself. So don't lose grip to the game. I hope u guys can reconsider and think about my idea hahaha. I'm not expecting much but it'll be good for the newbies too since the prom party was easy if u just party all day. I like that kind of hunt. And don't forget make good avis! Merci!! ?
  2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. ?please...no more hunts
  4. Skitzo hahaha okay i did say u can tweak it. I just want the event to be easy no hunt is okay too
  5. not prom hunt. id prefer a nice easy mini hunt like the pizza one or bikini one. one week. easy to collect. not too time consuming. one ec gift. two non ec. wars. double drops on last 12 hours. avis. premium avis. a few stat items. give us that
  6. Yes and the Avis can be called the undergraduates or PIMD fishies 
  7. Totally agreed wit iquitforever hahaha thanks for the idea! i really appreciated
  8. but ata, if youre reading tthis, dont bother with iit till yyou make the avatars bootyful. we dont want brad pitt and angelina next.
  10. you mean back to college event? i know some states call college school but here school is for 16 and under makes me think of kids lol
  11. Ahahah yeh u get what i mean demonic XD