As I Left Her.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -HannerBananers-, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. I'll be making another update tomorrow 
  2. Love it wall me when updated
  3. Omg hannah .-. Such a short birthday update
  4. Oh.........
  5. Shhhh I know I'm sorry  I was really just blocked last night I couldn't think of anything but I'm updating today and it'll be much longer 
  6. Thx hannah for the update
    Wall me when updated
    Awesome story!!
  7. July 19th

    I walked up to the beach, and I saw Drew sitting by the shore. I stood there for what it seemed like hours were only minutes. I walked up and stood in front of him.

    "Start explaining now or I'm walking away." I crossed my arms.

    He looked up and me with tears in his eyes. "Macie I really like you. I've... I've never felt this way for anyone before... It scares me Mace." He stood up and tried to touch my arms.

    I took a step back. "Alright? You like me. I liked you too until you went psycho Drew on me and started demanding things I wasn't ready for." I looked down at the sand.

    "Mace I know and I'm sorry I'm sorry I did that I'm sorry for the things I had said... It wasn't me I wouldn't do that to you... I wasn't in the right mind set... I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you.." He started crying.

    "Drew..." I touched his arm as he wept, he took a step forward and cried into my neck as I wrapped my arms around him. Was I forgiving him? I don't know. I didn't want to.

    I stepped back from him when he stopped crying. "Drew why are you crying? I haven't said I'm going to up and leave..."

    "But you should." He shook his head. "You really should Mace, you deserve much better than me... I'm nothing." I looked at him.

    "Drew I'm not about to throw you a pity party... You hurt me too... You tried to push me somewhere I didn't want to go." I scratched my head and turned around facing the water. "I just don't know what to do... We are so new... I don't want this to be destroyed before it even happens?" I turned back around to him and we were face to face, he softly grabbed my cheek and gently pulled me in as our lips touched I slowly melted away.


    "Good morning sleepy head." I was woken up by the smell of coffee and a sweet kiss.

    I smiled and opened my eyes. "Well someone's trying to make up for something ha ha" I laughed as he kissed me.

    He smiled and sat back on the bed. "Well miss Macie, what would you like to do today?" I took a sip of my coffee.

    "Well, there's that farmers market in town I have been dying to get to?" I smiled wide.

    "That sounds great!" He jumped up and smiled. "When would you wanna head over?"

    "Probably around noon I have to shower and stuff, I'll be ready by then." I got up kissed him on the cheek and went into the bathroom to get ready.

    We walked down to the farmers market and spent an hour sampling fruits, getting yummy food and having an amazing time.

    "Hey Drew!" A random voice called from the crowd. Suddenly a extremely attractive male emerges from the crowd and does the weird high five handshake thing guys like to do.

    "Dude! What's up?!" Drew smiles wide.

    "Eh just walking around this market thing, free food why not? Ha ha" They both laugh in unison. Freaky.

    Drew extends his hand to me as I reluctantly take it. "Jake, this is Macie, Macie this is Jake."

    Jake extends his hand and instead of a nice ol' regular handshake he kisses my hand, trying to impress me or something. I smile awkwardly.

    "So this is the hot neighbor girl huh?" Jake winks at me and smirks.

    Drew blushes wildly. "Um... Well um... So I thought you left town?"

    I laughed at Drew's "smooth" subject change.

    "Well I did man but it got boring in the Hampton's so I headed back." He had a bummed out look on his face as a pretty little blonde popped out from behind him.

    "OMG! Drew!" She smothered him in a hug with her boobs as he awkwardly hugged back. "What are you doing here?!" Her voice was so high-pitched it could break double paned glass.

    Drew scratched his head. "Well Macie, my girlfriend, and I were just looking around the farmers market."

    After hearing "girlfriend" she gave me a five second up and down look and looked back at Drew.

    "Oh, well did jake tell you about the awesome party he's throwing tonight?!" She touched Drew's arm as he gently shook her hand away.

    "Oh, no well we couldn't make it anyways, we've got plans, right Mace?" He looked at me thinking I'd go along with his plan perfectly.

    "What plans? We'd love to come Jake, see you tonight?" I smiled like a Barbie doll.

    Jake smiled with delight. "Tonight it is." He winked at me, again.

    Drew and Jake said their goodbye and we walked off into the farmers market.

    "Mace. Why didn't you say yes? You're gonna hate it at that party..." I looked at me worried.

    "Drew I want to show to your friends I can handle this, and to those girls that just LOVE to touch you in front of me, that you are mine. I don't share." I smiled and kissed him. Tonight was going to be great, I could just feel it in my bones.
  8. yaaaay ^_^ 
  9. Bump! ️
  10. Wall me when updated! :)
  11. Wall me when updated.
  12. bump! :) wall me hihi