Auction for 2 Hypnocats.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OnlineClient, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. I am currently selling 2 Hypnocats. I have a as for both of them. I will post ss at the bottom of this post. I will like to start the auction at 5 million.

  2. Lol 5 million I'll take that
  3. Wait .-. They are not able to be gifted

    Meaning you are giving away money to buy them?
  4. I know you read my wall post.......
  5. @Ricecakes

    That gif tho.........
  6. Lol I didn't know the right price for both of them so I started off low. Keep the auction going. Here is the proof of the cats.

  7. I'm looking for a DVP I only have 51 million
  8. ... If u grow go to b2b club then u get more money than these fools Kay?