what build is best

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MaXi--MiLLioNs, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. In thinking its good to have 2m str on one build and 2m intel on other build. Which can farm any player with those 2 accounts
  2. Any str build or any intel build or even build has less chance with that combination of 2 accounts
  3. I was near even prior to rebuilding. Was crap for warring. Although harder to milk. Very easy to pin. Before that i was full intel, it sucked even worse. The more strength the better. Hardly anyone pranks in wars. It's actually pretty much frowned upon lmao. So the better fight, the harder to be pinned and easier to pin oppo.,

    If you're not planning to join wars or bl hit. Full Intel for party plunder
  4. So the more strength* not fight ,-,
  5. Combination of 2 str build can't pin down 1 str build without using many dn. but 1 intel 1 str build can pin a str build easily
  6. ^ in other words. I have the greatest build on pimd.
  7. Intel has many tactical advantages. Only thing strength is good for is taking money fast. I'm not gonna advertise hard for intel build  The less people educated about this game the better
  8. Meh.
    I'm sure you could get farmed hard by either high strength, high intel or balanced.
    Just do it when they're sleeping 
    And can't hit back 
  9. Full strength takes me 81 hits to pin an intel build. Where as it takes 11-12 pranks to pin me.

    So there's no winning build.
  10. There is no such best build.. If there was such a build everyone would prefer to have that. Every build has its advantage and weakness :)