July 4th

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Infinite_Daps, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. The day people post pics of fireworks on twitter or Instagram when nobody gives a flying fuck.
  2. 
     F A R M E R ' S
     M A R K E T

    We sell everything :

    Your Mom

    0wnEr: Ricecakes
    (Yes, You Can Eat Him)

    God Of War
    (He's a ......God)
    (Don't Make Him Angry)

    Farmer's R U L E S

    We Farm Lower Stats Than Us
    Have Fun and Keep CC active
    Haters Gonna Hate No Drama
    Be active On Parties
    (?Might Never Do Parties?)

    We Dont Give a **** If 
     You 
     Got Hit, Just Hit Back 
     And 
     Don't Cry 
  3. Well that's cool
  4. Joy to the world Adam. Joy.
  5. The world is ok
  6. American Independence Day..
  7. "We farm lower stats than us"

    Wow such a badass lmfao
  8. It may not be important to you, but for me and a whole lot of other people, its really important. Heck, some people only care because its the only holiday of the summer. And since its the only holiday of the summer, people go big and bold.
  9. I give a swimming fuck
  10. Of course a lot of people pretend to care as well just for the attention.
  11. Huh another confusing thread
  12. no im pretty sure a lot of Americans actually care
  13. Tbh idk why ppl are bugging on it. Every country had something big in history that made changes. So yes we do celebrate it as I'm sure other countries do something as well if they fought someone for independence.
  14. Fourth of July, the independence of America from aliens?
  15. I don't care  I don't even know what it's about? It's just a reason for Americans to eat pumpkin pie and drink "real" lemonade
  16. Try from Britain... smh
  17. ? pumpkin things that you are talking about is thanksgiving.

    4th of July for Amaricans is when the ppl fought Britain to be free of them and run our own country. It is to celebrate and remember what our ppl did for us.
  18. Why are you complaining about an American holiday? ? Are you American? No? Move on...