Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WB-Latie_Bulliesroc_Caughman-, Jul 1, 2014.

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  1. Much Respect for doing this.
    Not many people are willing to help anymore, so when I see someone who is my heart goes out to them. As u can see its ( I want. Give me give me give me) so for u to spend ur cash and time to actually give instead of ask earns much respect.… anyone who disagrees with this, well just read through the pages, no one else is giving out free stuff unless they want something in return.

    Honestly people show some respect, if u cant be nice the just dont post on the thread, just for once leave the negativity off a thread, especially since this is aimed out of kindness.

    Once again much respect, and O.P. u ever need anything, just ask. Im always will to help people who are willing to help others.

    ツMuch respect and good luckツ
  2. Thanks RebelRyder!! That was really sweet, really appreciate that a lot nice to hear that from people sometimes!!!!
  3. Germany!!!!!
  4. Very nice of u to give some many away *^▁^* Go USA
  5. Spain or England Please 
  6. Any or Aussie/England please
  7. Russia. Thanks ヽ(^。^)丿
  8. Anyone will do. :)
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