Message Just For You...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllillllllllillllllllllil, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Skitz.....You need friends and you need a life!!!! 
  2. I have no friends and my life is Pimd. Yolo
  3. Have a life...have friends...your point is invalid
  4.  you looked at my thread because you care about me!!!
  5. Let skitzo be !
  6. It was funny 0 of the times
  7. Nah... can't care for someone like you it's impossible
  8. smh plzz im done with you!!! Bye!!! People like you got me perm silenced
  9. Lol you deserve it...learn to handle your anger better, if anything I'm trying to help you 
  10. Oh fr??? you trying to be my friend now?? lol your are bipolar!!! Yes i do get angry fast!!! deal with it
  12. Im bi but nty. She is annoying
  13. Message just for you..

    I LAV YU OP!!!!
  14. 
  15. :( u love op and not me ? :( Owh the insanity now I need a new tree to smoke in prolly a smoked bacon tree :lol:
  16. Chaos i luv yuh!
  17. [​IMG]

    Actually..I have a mood's like extreme bipolarism
  18. [​IMG]

    Yes yes yes !!! :lol: been saving this gif for a special occasion ;)