Message just for you...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Candle35, Jul 1, 2014.


    Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.

    Throw some potatoes at me bruh.

    I'll make it into chips in a split second.

    Come at me motherfucker.
  2. And I'll eat those chipa for you.
  3. Challenge Accepted.
  4. Asian. Definitely Asian.
  5. Chipa? What's a chipa? What are these strange things I've never heard about before?
  6. I'm not Asian

    I don't know what I am.

    I'm white.

    Must be a snowman.
  8. Isn't Niall Horan from the UK? Aren't chips called Crisps there or something? I'm suspicious.
  9. Irish u noob
  10. I'm sorry I'm not the One Direction expert  Harry and Louis from that band are sexy though.
  11. They have a booty.
  12. ★ what's up ?
    Every post I see haters 