Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lolita481, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. And hello peepee :-*
  2. Okay.. Take me to pm  ;)
  3. Tibby
  4. ★ can anyone of u wall back my Waller
    That I want a plate name with Black and Blue color please.? Thank you :)
    ( see my wall, he is asking what kind of color and name I want )
    { right now I cant wall because I am PERM SILENCED  }
  5. ?i wish i have a crush...
    Almost all got friendzoned
    Nobody brave enough
  6. Op, Your name is so yummy 
  7. O.O i have one………somewhere
  8. I'm right here bb.^ k
  9. My pimd crush is........

    Junior Alvarez 0520

    We have a thing for each other lol ? but we aren't together .....yet!
  10. LiamPayne is my bae
  11. NiallHoran... I guess...
  12. I guess ? Well ok, I see how it is Payne...
  13. Feel the Payne..
  14. This just made my day