LMAO 3 OF YALL CANT PIN ME Banana can't hit alone so he cries to his club! Faith you can't pin me? Aren't you almost BC? Wiz you farm noob all your doing is pranking me and failing as well! Come on I'm 400Kcs y'all are all higher then me and can't pin me! TRY HARDER
That's what you get for farming our members wrongfully, wven though they never did anything to you. Stop crying OP
Nobody is crying you THOT faith your not going to make fun of people with mental illnesses again are you? I can post that on here! you cheated me out of 5 days that's 50b plus my 4b you owed for the cat!
Nobody cares about your lies. Stop whining. You left the club, your fault. I literally tried to negotiate with you 10 minutes ago but no, not you. So go ahead & cry, no one cares. Until you stop farming our friend and apologize on OUR thread. You will be seeing my boot up your ass Good day sir
Playboy- are you insulting people of a certain demographic by using that insult? Do you really hate people who have to scratch and claw to make a living? You horrible awful person! Everyone pm me for screenshots! (Please dont...) Please keep digging. This stuff is hilarious.