North Korea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by beyondmeasure, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Looks like North Korea are ready to wage war on the US in October once the film 'The Interview' is released. Apparently Seth Rogen and James Franco play journalists on a mission to assassinate Kim Jong Un. Sounds pretty funny to me. Can't wait to see North Korea's retaliation movie.
  2. Equivalent would be sending missiles ?
  3. I'm hoping they retaliate by assassinating Ronald McDonald in a 3 hour epic.
  4. So this is how it start? From a movie?
  5. Get to know your propaganda methods.

    It's called predictive programming.
  6. The North Korea spokesman was quoted by the state KCNA news agency as saying: "Making and releasing a movie on a plot to hurt our top-level leadership is the most blatant act of terrorism and war and will absolutely not be tolerated."

    Quoted from the BBC.
  7. Well I guess if it was on the news it must be truth.
  8. Or it's one really screwed up way to promote a movie. 
  9. Epic
  10. This is true Eye. The film is due for release in Autumn and North Korea have not taken kindly to it. Team America was similar a few years back, I remember them getting worked up about that yet nothing happened.
  11. It's worse than when Paul Walker faked his death just before the release of Fast and Furious.
  12. Or maybe he was acting dead
  13. Or possibly just wanted to retire
  14. Haven't you guys seen Red Dawn?


  15. He wasn't that good of a actor.
  16. Who? Paul Walker? Or Kim Jong Un??