Am i conceded?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SadisticalShade, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. I have 6 pack abs, a wide back, muscles popping out almost everywhere, iswear to many girls stare at me daily, and i be like ugh, who you lookin at, but am i conceded?

    better question, do you believe that im ripped? or do you think im some fat boy who lives in his mothers basement because i have no self esteen to go out and find a girlfriend, a job, and go to the gym.

    nah. you trippin.

    whatcha think? who do you think i am? i been play 1.5 years... so yea am i conceded? or am i full of cow poo.
  2. You sound fucking ugly.
  3. Does it matter? There's no photographs here so it's all based on personality anyway.
  4. Do you even lift?
  5. I dont care enough to have an opinion on this.
  6. Lol op does have sexy abs ive seen them.
  7. Chris 
  8. a guy can be as sexy as he want but if his personality stinks then he ain't shit
  9. Oops your bad spelling cancels out your muscles sorry
  10.  luckily chris isnt that guy with the stinky person' 
  11. But eh bro, are you proud? its.better proud.of.ones.body then.ashamed by it.
  12. Get laid parade.
  13. cel you are one of pimd's biggest harlot, lets not speak of personalitys because if i told you the reality of this poop id be condemned for being the reason of a holy fatality, you can leave the thread if i fill you with that much dread, but if your gonna stay then start giving head so i can squirtle in your mouth <3<3 make you fat like snorlax. :3 cmon at me with your best insults!
  14. but if your trying to be nice for a change, then how are you celine? but if you're going to be nasty, then hello celine the feline, make a bee line and get out of her with that fine body girlaaahhhhh :eek:
  15. ?And this is prob why you aint gettin none…
  16. You're not conceded, just a ?
  18. I bet you don't even lift bro
  19. This guy knows about cel 