operation piss them off

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrGemini, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. I've bough 50dns before ?
  2. There's no pack for 50 dn 
  3. Ive spent money on here, I will openly admit In semi addicted, no where near as bad as I used to be though, I don't care about the actual game, its the people that have me coming back.
  4. Lol you can buy 24 dn then 6 single dn
  5. Yea that's what I did I wanted it to be even
  6. Okay. He is here. This thread gonna locked in 3, 2
  7. Everyone here sucks dick.

    Except my friends
  8. AH those silly RS members.....I guess Gemini is getting bored and looking for some classic smack talk?
  9. There is no point in trying to follow spam, it makes you look like a noob with a terrible idea.
  10. Why not eavesdrop 

    I was taught buy drop farm eavesdrop
  11. I'm sure you wouldn't say that about your owner

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  12. That's on behalf of pun btw
  13. (─■°─°)─■Whats Happening
  14. Pun spends that much time on this game but still can't learn how to post pictures, shame on him 
  15. Follow farms lead to silence now lol.