As I Left Her.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -HannerBananers-, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. What a jack ***! Geez... Wall me when updated
  2. WOW![color]
    Plz plz plz wall me when updated
  3. For wow I meant WOW!
  4. update me again pls.
  5. This is so good. Update me when updated
  6. woahhh. Really such an ahole Drew
  7.  Update.
  8. wall me when updated! 
  9. Hannnahhh updateeeeeeeeeeeeee :O
  10. Wall me when updated!
  11. Hey guys  So I'm sorry I couldn't update today my family is town ?️ And I'm going away this weekend so I won't be able to write till Monday, but I promise I'll update Monday and give you a big ol' update to make up for the days I skipped  Love you guys  Thanks For Reading
  12. Update.!!! Do wall me pls haha im kinda busy with school so yea thank u 
  13. i love this story... BUMPBUMPBMP
  14. Hannah updateee pleaseeeeeeee :eek:
  15. Updating tomorrow ️
  16. Updating today ?️
  18. July 18th

    I sat in my room. On my bed. Sobbing. Not because of what he said but what he did. What he wanted to force me to do. I was only 16, he was my first kiss, my first boyfriend and he wanted to rush me. I wasn't like those girls he's dated. I was different. And it hurt because it showed me he doesn't like different. He just wants the same.

    I sat on my bed for hours only getting up to use the bathroom. I would've texted my friends but they're all gone for the summer, I would've texted my mother but she's on her dream vacation with her jerk boyfriend. I would've texted Drew but he was the reason I felt this way.

    July 19th

    I woke up to someone knocking on my front door. I slowly got up and opened the door to nothing but a scrap of paper on my welcome mat.

    Meet me by the shore at 7:00. If you don't come, I'll know to leave you alone... -D

    I read the note and just stood there for awhile. My door wide open, me in my pjs on my front porch staring at this piece of paper, my mind going crazy. Should I go? Should I not go? Is he going to hurt me again? I don't know.

    July 19th 6:45pm

    I stood there at my front door. I had been thinking about the note all day and decided I should go, hear him out. I mean how bad could it be? But now? I'm confused, I'm scared and I'm panicking. But I decide to go, I needed to go.