Poll #1 ~ Play Station or XBox?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matt, Jun 24, 2014.

  2. Eww PS , xbox all the way 
  3. I own a 360 and a One so Xbox for me
  4. Xbox for sure
  5. Gameboy Color you bitches
  6. PS4 .. waiting for GTA5 to drop this fall ! Woo \(^.^) -LBC©™ approved.
  7. Xbox for multiplayer playstation for single player
  8. xBox, because I have to buy a membership to play online!
  9. To be honest, Xbox is just so much better.  It's something that Sony will just never beat. 
  10. #PS4 #GTAV -LB©™ approved.
  11. As a person who has played both I'd pick xbox. The UI is amazing.

    PC is best because you can control how good your machine is.
  12. Xbox because I'm already used to how the controller feels and I dislike the Playstation's controller. I also feel as if PSN is more difficult to maneuver through. As in like viewing your friends and such. Also, the PSN security isn't the greatest. The are much more successful modders on PSN than on Xbox. I like that Xbox gets in-game content before PSN does and most of my friends have Xbox.
  13. I say PlayStation.... And for those who use the excuse that they prefer the controlers more than other need to know that you can get the feel of the Xbox controller for the PlayStation and vice versa
  14. Xbox, i have the 360 and xbox one and love both
  15. Pc master race