Cat Cafe Castle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lunar, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. All cc clubs are lame. No fun, quiet, and greedy.
    So boring.
  2. Didn't you leave Playboy?
  3. You left willingly and took the dv instead of staying for your time. Don't complain for something you agreed to.
  4. ^Thats actually true 
  5. (─■°─°)─■⇧?
  6. ^ he asked someone to lick his anus
  7. (─■°─°)─■My Anus' Too Big
  8. I left because I didn't want to get into it in club chat, she couldn't even get her own cat she had to beg and I had to save her ass! So what y'all are trying go say is invalid y'all can't accept the fact that y'all's member scammed me and makes fun of people with mental illnesses!
  9. why be admin if not enough money to help the club out lol
  10. (─■°)o(°)─■
  11. bro whn in doubt just whip the cock out and cum.all over their club a nice yummy load
  12. Hulk you noob come at me
  13. They claimed she didn't say anything about mental illnesses…
  15. She isnt making fun of people with mental illnesses at all. Also if you agreed to the deal then you cant go back on your word.