Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lolita481, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. What a coincidence!!! We share the same name :lol:
  2. Cypress Hill baby
  3. Fig  I have this on my horoscope app
  4. Too long like the title says
    Didn't read, what is it about?
  5. Astrology. Find your birthday and it tells you what tree you are 
  6. All of mine is truescary
  7. Lol no other fir tree?
  8. Hazelnut for me, it all make sense for me xD
  9. ? Poplar, so me 
  10. Fir tree
  11. Fir tree FTW
  12. I wanna hire the person who has the same name as me :roll:
  13. November 21 
  14. Yaaay 4 fir trees :lol:

    Monchii i added you on kaw :roll:
  15. And ej :lol: my pupil is here ... somewhere :lol: