Who/What helped you?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gojou, Jun 23, 2014.

  1.  most DVs I've ever received. From that girl right there. ️
  2. My current pup poodlz and volley 101
  3. Been here 3 years. Look at my stats. Nobody helped me.
  4. Ill help u iex
  5. I bet 
  6. I will pinky promise  ive never broken a pinky promise 
  7. lunchtime detention
  8. some really old club that disbanded while i was inactive for 2 years lol
  9. My old pup RC, my friend raj,me, myself, and alts :D
  10. people who have helped me grow:
    My first pup, Lyle 0.0 don't remember his user
    Venomous Mrs Cuddles

    Clubs if any helped me would probs have been:
    Immortals bc they were like my fav hc ever
  11. Woah that's huge I need to stop playing in forums now  it's all Hulk- 's fault
  12. I've helped you iEx ? with luvvvv

    Justin ️
  13. It wasn't my first club that helped me but the one that helped the most was the Fighting Irish. I loved that place 