
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -The_Fresh_Prince_Of_London-, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Fooball(or soccer as you americans choose to call it, seriously, whats up with that?) is the most played/watched sport in the world, millions upon millions of people every weekend either play or watch it
  2. yeah soccer is for pansies that run around with a ball. THEY CANT TAKE A HIT COS THEY BE all laying on the floor cryin. No offense.

    I like hockey better.
  3. Like your american football? thats rugby with padding
  4. Thy just tied 30 seconds away from USA winning
  5. Dont forget about hockey which is padding as well. Lel
  6. Football is manly, for REAL MEN. Soccer is for boys.
  7. Thank god it was a draw
    I was literally praying to the football gods for America to lose, but I'll take a draw too 
  8. Rugby is for men, Football is for men who like to feel safe at night by leaving a light on in the hall, hence the padding.
  9. Football soccer is the most popular sport in the world.... fact.

    It is the most beautiful sport ?

    Them lil soccer boys will never mount to be REAL MANLY MEN. But it's k.

    They can remain boys PLAYIN their pansy ass game.
  11. Baseball though is a man sport
  12. Being manly can't be measured really by what sport you play.

    It however can be measured by your attitude towards others and other things. Real men shut up and get over it. They don't keep crying over a stupid sport, and they don't call others pansies just because they don't have the brain capacity to understand a more complicated sport than hand egg 
  13. I wouldn't mind making £300,000 a week, it the most popular sport in Europe and South America, now American football is a pansy sport compared to rugby.
  14. Please, MY IQ is over 9000!!!!!

    But they still pansies <3
  15. Panties gonna panties 
  16. Panties 
  17. ?we are versing Germany next.
  18. Chillax, USA rules. We pretty much control the whole world if we wanted to.
  19. You sound like an idiot spitty, just stop lmao
  20. ^ it's endlessly entertaining lol