I'm straight

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CommonSense, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Now where's my parade? :(
  2. (─■°o°)─■
  3. .-. awesome, and I'm left
  5. Bein straight is too mainstream. Y be straight when u can be crooked?
  6. What about being bent? ?
  7. Yeah hulk anyone tell you that's annoying
  8. I'm around 87 degrees. Close to 90. Practically straight.
  9. I'm y = sin (x)
  10. Hulk.like many others tries to become.famous by repeatin same.crap over and.over..mindless peon robots.
  11.  every single thread tho?
    Surely that's classed as spamming?
  12. Oh my god a talking pokemon
  13. Rub it in our faces why don't you! bloody hell! So what if your straight
    (I'm straight too) 
  14. There ain't enough straight pride in the world. I want a black and white flag!!
  15. In b4 FuBu 
  16. And std wolf, made a pic thread about how to become forum famous. Repeating crap was one of the stages.
  17. Spk of the devil! Rice cakes is another!
  18. yeah poor robotic bastards
  19.  and we are givin thwm.rhe attention.they desire. so its workin.for.them