[Weekend ITEM GRAB] - TUX

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. What drops the lion? ?
  2. Uhhhhh 100,000 party's in a weekend to get them all serious?
  3. Limo Luxury Party or all ViP party.
  4. No need to rush.
  5. Clearly says all VIP...
  6. Oh yes cause it clearly says that the penguin is dropping from all VIP. Nothing about the fucking lion 
  7. awwwww cutie
  8. ^ from the screenshot taken by shoo, alphabrunette get it when party at _synergy_ and the party is limo luxury
  9. Taken by RedDuke*
  10. Taken by RedDuke*
  11. Still ata not doing anything for world cup ?
  12. Anyone get more than a drop of 4, if so which party please and Ty.
  13. I dont know if anyone asked, but is 100,000 the limit ?
  14. Sky high possible to drop 10
  15. 100 000 is the limit, yes. But I don't how long it takes to reach the limit.
  16. Plz post how many drops each party ty ?
  17. Cool now i want its ava
  18. Not more than 10 for easy VIP party.
  19. Fuck the boost and wars. I love showcase items ? and its cute.
    Party noobs FTW :lol:
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