Some world news I heard this morning.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_SpilltheTeaNilla, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Their jokes are an opinion. Clearly it states that they dont really care, and the issue doesn't bother them.

    Doesnt make their opinion right, its just how they express their indifference
  2. Yeah. The crowd did the right thing.
  3. I think thats wrong its not right to abuse a man over some ➢ lipstick ·
    Its also not right that people worrying bout is he gay or not.
    At the end of the day they're not getting down like he is.
    Its his business ♀
    I see guys, YES GUYS ! in booty shorts with half shirts and belly rings all day. Even in LIPSTICK with lil EYELASHES on.
    It doesn't bother me, cause GAY men are wonderful stylists lol. Look at all these famous women, who are their friends? Who give them fashion tips? GAY MEN! #ThatsAll
  4. I agree with Spetsnaz️
  5. @ Nilla- yeah I understand that. It's just the way some people respond to posts like these makes my skin crawl.
    A lot of people are saying 'well he should have known better... He knows what type of country he is in'. When someone has been treated badly there's always a rush of people to defend the abuser. The man putting on lipstick is not the problem- why are you excusing the behaviour of the 200 people that wanted to kill him?? Honestly doesn't make sense to me. Giving abusers reasons that makes their behaviour 'valid' does not get rid of the problem. They just learn that what they do is seen as okay and they'll continue to do it.
  6. And gay men are not straight women's fashion accessories. I know you wrote that post in support but please...
  7. The homophobic opinions on here are disgusting. It is not okay for someone to be assaulted especially for such a trivial reason as lipstick. Arguing that his sexual orientation means he deserved it is the same as arguing african Americans in the civil rights movement, and prior to it, deserved the inhumane prejudices and treatment placed upon them.

    As a society we seek to oppress those that are not the majority in order to retain control. We further certain ideologies and customs by showing others as inferior. I personally will never visit Jamaica or any country that supports or allows the execution or assault of gay people. If you disagree with a countries laws, or lack thereof, surrounding basic human rights don't support them economically by vacationing there.

    Yes that's long, don't read it if it has too many words for your liking.
  8. This is horrible, I mean, why hate on gays? They did nothing wrong!
  9. I say kick him out of Jamaica unless he changes his ways. I'm probably gonna get a lot of dislike, but hey, not everyone's gonna like you. I'm merely stating how I feel and I don't know how this should be a big deal.

    Just because blacks have rights, does that mean people aren't going to be prejudice towards them? Everyone's going to get hate no matter what they are. People today are too sensitive over the gay issue. Hell! You can't even say faggot without people getting mad at you because you're somehow "insulting" a gay. When I use faggot, I don't usually refer it to queers, but rather as an insult to anyone. It's a word and has no meaning until you give it a meaning.
  10. @Miggsy
    1. Do not compare the injustice to gay people to the injustice as Slavery. They are not the same. They are two different kinds of injustice and I could give a million reasons why that statement was offensive, but it has nothing to do with the thread (you could message me if you want)

    2. When an impoverished country such as Jamaica- especially one that's population are people of colour- you'll find that they don't have much input of how they are portrayed in the media and it is mostly negative press you will find the easiest. As a Jamaican myself, and someone who has actyally BEEN to Jamaica I can confirm that the island is not such a horrible place as it is portrayed to be. There is a large gay community in Jamaica and YES- there are some people who are homophobic, but there are are homophobic people WHERE EVER you go in the world and there have been equally as disgusting and also worse injustice towards gay people everywhere in the world- including western countries that have policies supporting gay people. I'm not trying to persuade you to visit at all but I am saying maybe before you shouldn't comment about not visiting a place you don't know much about.

    Anyway I've written a lot in this thread so peace
  11. Guys shouldn't wear make up.
  12. Social injustice and hate are the same issue regardless of the target. People are killed around the world because of their sexual orientation, so yes I feel it is a fair comparison of hate filled actions leading to heinous actions. I wasn't referring simply to countries that are more developed.
  13. Girls shouldn't wear make up
  14. No one should wear makeup It just shows you're scared of your natural appearance.. Which you shouldn't be.
  15. Yeah there's that crap too but when guys wear make up people hit them with sticks. The simple solution is to not wear make up.. :| Maybe this guy was dense.
  16. Exactly Ex /).(\ but it's still sad to see the low level of tolerance for homosexual people around the world they're human too?
  17. Apparently so iEx 
    I wouldn't walk down my best friends neighbourhood at night.. why? Because I'm white  I would be stabbed or have my head kicked in. Racism is not tolerated but sometimes you have to use common sense, just because you should be able to do something dosent mean you can do it, without consequences anyway.
  18. Thats sad. And FYI some straight men have to apply lipstick too you know. ?
    I know cause I applied lippies to men before ?
  19. As much I am against homosexuality

    I have to disagree with Obey. He shouldn't be kicked out of his country. That's his home! He shouldn't be killed either.

    Call me what you what you want, but I personally think that homosexuality is a desire that should be suppressed. Not something someone should dwell on and then go out and live. But just because I don't support it doesn't mean that that person's life isn't as valuable as anyone else's. He could still be a great person he just chooses I lifestyle that I don't like.

    LET HIM LIVE!!!!

    If you want him to stop being homosexual, kicking him out of his country and beating him senseless aren't going to do that. ? I honestly think he needs prayer and counseling.

    And the dude wasn't even doing anything homosexual. He was trying on lipstick.

    They don't even know if he really was trying on lipstick that's just what it looked like. And then somebody jumped to conclusions, labeled him as gay and beat him up because of it.

    I completely agree with Nick. This isn't about him being GAY. It's about people thinking it's okay to beat the shit out of someone!!! I could care less if he's gay, or white, or black, or Muslim, or communist that's not okay! Violence isn't okay! All the hatred, animosity, ITS NOT OKAY.