.:The Fallen Power:. Book one - Dead Truth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LiveLikeTheLast, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, this is my first time putting out one of my stories other than to family and my girlfriend. Just taking a leap of faith here so tell me what you think of it.

    Also look for my girlfriends story Our Little Secret by TheLastOfOurKind
  2. Introduction

    My name is Jason Green, you may think I am an ordinary 15 year old teenager living an ordinary life as i walk by you on the streets, and well...at one point I did so as well. But I'm not what I seem to be. I am what most would call "The Chosen One" cause of what my destiny might be at the end of this story, but I think of myself as something greater almost. I don't know what to call myself but certainly not "The Chosen One". As one might think I known the ending of this, I don't. I don't know how it will end. I don't know how or when it will, but I only know that there is one ending. Before i tell too much of how things might end for me, let me tell you my story of it all began first...
  3. Sorry if the first part is kinda short and not filling but the first chapter I've done is kinda long for a first chapter and there isn't a good place to stop in the middle but i promise ill update tomorrow.
  4. I like it so far
  5. Cool wall me when updated
  6. Wall me when u update it
  7. ~Chapter one - The Beginning..~

    I woke up face down in the sand; I looked up with the sand slowly falling off one by one. Every joint I moved popped. My back was killing me...I was thirsty, my mouth as dry as the desert itself. If thats where i actually was. The back of my head hurt as if something hit it with a lot of force, but what? I had no memory of being hit or even passing out.

    I looked around seeking something that might tell me where I was. The bright sun hurting my eyes, I looked down and closed them tight only to make myself dizzy. I looked back up squinting eyes seeing miles of sand surrounding me in all directions. I try to get up slowly but my legs fail and I fall to the ground. My arms weak, my legs lead, my head throbbing of pain, but yet my thoughts clear to think. I wondered how I got here, all I remember was walking into my house after a long day of school, tired and ready to sink into my bed and asleep until my mother came home from work at the local police station. She's a single mother that works as a police disparate, Samantha Green...best person in the world. Although she was 32 she looked more like 26 with her slim body and child-like face. She always had a smile on her face that could make anyone's mood better, and then at the same time she could give the most terrifying stare when she was angry. She has soft brown eyes that sparkled like the stars when she got excited. Her hair was also brown, soft and thick that cascaded down in her back.

    My mother told me that she had been dispatching ever since I was old enough to walk for she could get a babysitter and watch me without being to much work. She said she dispatched because my father died. She was at the hospital giving labor to me when it happened. My fathers name is Chase Green, that's where I get my middle name from. He was working late that night; he was a computer programmer designer and was always working late. He got a call from the hospital that my mother was in labor so he got i his car and he tried to get to the hospital as say as he could. She said he probably ran a few stop signs and red lights because it sounds like something he would do. My father was almost at the hospital, maybe a block or two away. He went through a red light and the driver side dirt was slammed into by a cement truck at 50 mph, crumpling the side of the car. Killing my father instantly. My mother didn't find out until two hours after I was born. She cried for days after that, but she tried to stay strong and care for me since she was a single mother now. She got help from friends and family from then on until she was sure she could take care of me. She had quit her job when she was 5 months pregnant because it started to get too hard for her to move and work. So she signed up to be a police dispatcher and after about three weeks she got the job and shes liked it ever since.

    One day I was listening to my mom talk on the phone, I don't know who she was talking to but I heard her talking about the death of my father and my birth. I couldn't entirely hear her but i could make out somethings.

    "Do you think that the...well you know the thing is true..? Could Jason be that?", i heard my mother say and then pause.

    "I know his death was right before his birth but it could just be a coincidence you know...even though thats exactly how it goes..." She pauses again.

    "I don't want to talk about this any more," She gets quieter and she looks around some, "I think he's listening...good day Shannon." She hung up and slid to the floor crying. I was confused and walked to my room across the house and went inside my room and stayed there the rest of the day listening to my mother cry...wondering what she meant. And now there i was...laying in the sand thinking about my life; I turn over and look across the horizon and see nothing but sand and more sand. I close my eyes and I don't know when or how but i fell asleep.

    Well there's a good part of chapter one guys and i hope its good. I'm trying to give a good background on Jason right now so i hope its not to long for you guys in the end. Anyways, tell me what you think. Got any ideas? Share i don't mind. Go ahead and tell me if i messed up somewhere you think or just have any questions, ask.
  8. Wall me when updated
  9. Bump! ? Write on my wall when you do. 

  11. ~Chapter 2 - A cold welcome and a surprise~

    "Hey kid, wake up." I heard an old mans voice say to me.

    I notice it was night now and freezing. I looked up at the man.
    "What do you think you're doing laying in the sand on my property?"

    I looked at the man and saw that he was carrying a double barrel Remington shotgun in his hands pointing near me. Probably if I tried to attack him.
    "Well...honestly I don't know how i got here. I woke up this morning and I couldn't move. I don't remember how i got here...I'm sorry for trespassing though."
    "Stupid teenagers." He softly said to himself but a bit to louder than he thought. He looks at me and says, "You can come back to the house and call your folks and I'll give you a warm meal before you leave. Maybe a shower will do you some good too."
    "Uh huh."

    The man held out his old wrinkled hand to help me up, i took it. His hands were cold and tough. I could feel the calluses on his hands probably from working a lot. He pulls me up from the sand without much effort for an older man. I brushed the sand off of me my strength slowly but surely coming back to me.

    I looked at the man and i was about 5 inches taller than him. He had short gray hair from what i could see that was only left on the sides of his head. I could see his muscles under a red plaid button up shirt. His big hands still gripping the Remington tightly. He then turns around and starts walking signaling to me to follow.

    He walked over to a old powder blue ford pickup truck that was probably younger than the man himself. He gets in the driver side. I walked over to the passenger side and put my hand on the cold metal of the door handle and yank it open. It squeaks loudly open and i climb up into the hard worn seat, probably from years of being used. I reached out and closed the door. I found the old man staring at me and he grunts then puts the shotgun on the dash, looks forward, and turns the key to start the truck. The engine putters but doesn't turn over. He try's a few more times then stops. He scratches his head and grabs a flashlight that was on the dash then gets out of the truck. I watch him walk over to the front of the hood and turn on the flashlight. He lifts the good up and the light seeps through the opening at the Borden of the hood, lighting up the inside of the truck a little. I got lost in thought as the minuets went by. I jump, the man had pulled my door open. I looked at him.
    "Get out," He said to me.
    Slowly I got out and I looked down at the man then he says, "You stay here with the truck. I'm gonna walk back and get the other truck. Don't do anything while I'm gone."
    I nod slowly then the man grabs the flashlight and his gun then starts walking away. I watch him until i can't see the light from the flashlight anymore. I walked to the front of the good and looked at the engine.
    "Why wont you start?" I asked myself.

    I checked the oil in the truck, tubes running to and from the engine, radiator, and many of other things but everything was fine. I gave up and put my head down on my arms while my hands were still on the engine. I thought of ways that would be able to fix it and start the truck. At that moment i felt a shock of coldness go up my back and trough my hands. I looked up and saw a blue wave go through my hands and onto the engine making it glow.

    The engine started for a few seconds.

    It didn't make much sense to me but then i realized that i made it happen. I put my hands on the engine again expecting something to happen but it nothing did. Not even a sound came from it. I moved my hands down the cold engine trying to figure out what happened and how i did it. I looked down at the baffled in how nothing seems to work the same.
    I slid my hands down onto the sides and pictured in my mind the engine roaring to life and working perfectly again like it was brand new. At that moment i felt what was like electricity running up my back and i got goosebumps all over my body. My heart races and then I felt the same power rush up and shoot down through my arms in a blue flash and spread over the engine like before, but it seemed stronger this time.

    Time seemed to slow for a split second. I saw out of the corner of my eye a fly zoom by me but I took it all in slowly. I looked closer and thought i could see its individual wings moving back and forth. I heard a cracking and popping noise from the engine while all this was happening then everything went back to normal with the engine coming to life with a steady clean beat that signaled it was working perfectly. I looked at the truck and chuckled, a bit amazed at what i just did. I didn't know made me do it or how i did it even, but it was amazing. I was mixed up with excitement and shock from it.
    I turned around to hear the sound of another truck not to far away, at that moment i got a wave of nausea go through me: my vision blurred, my legs buckled, and I fell to the ground and axles out for a moments time. I opened my eyes heavily, my eye sight going in and out. I could see the truck pull up and come to a stop a few feet away from where Im at.

    My vision went out, then came back. The old man was getting out of a truck and slowly coming to me.

    Vision went out again. When it came back i saw him looking down at me with the same expressionless look on his face. Vision goes out...

    Comes back, i found the man dragging me effortlessly to the truck. Then i passed out completely...


    Well there's chapter 3! Hope you enjoyed this one just as much!and im really sorry to everyone that had been waiting to read my story i been caught up with things the past few daysanywaysssss, hope you enjoyed?ill post again as soon as possible.
  12. Chapter 2 ya mean lol. Wall me when updated again
  13. Lol ya thank you. I was looking at my chapter 3 ideas when i was writing that
  14. There's a few grammar and spelling mistakes that may make it hard for the reader to follow. Otherwise, keep up the good work! This story has potential.
  15. This is very interesting. ? Wall me when updated?
  16. Wall me when you update
  17. You need to be updating this mister. 