Been Proven

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Sinful_Kuma-, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Scientist has proven 837264825 people on the internet are too lazy to read that number.

  2. Ya dar right
  3. I don't doubt that....
  4. :lol: true. I didnt read the numbers haha
  5. I may not read numbers, but I can still screw your girlfriend. 
  6. Sure Mars, you can have my bitchy Ex
  7. Screw here over* because she thought your penis was going to be bigger?
  8. Nahh she was just thirsty for older men
  9. [{800K isnt that many if you think about how many people use the internet.}]

    [{This is like saying, some people are stupid}]

    [{yes, some are. But many more are not.}]

  10. Dat here doe always ac for her like wth
  11. U got that right xD
  12. Thats not 800k, thats 800m
  13. In b4 FuBu 
  14. I'm not too lazy, I just don't want too
  15.  I actually spent like 2 minutes trying to properly say that number out loud.
     I need to wake up ??
  16. Lol tru. i went 873... n i didn't read the rest