New Players, New Color

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 27, 2014.

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  1. While this worked for one day, around 90% of the grey names I've seen in campus are being silenced for bypassing, asking for third party apps or rp. All this has done is help them advertise breaking the rules 
  2. I noticed that too, shows what most people download the game for. Does that hideous app description still talk about 'finding love'?
  3. I don't like my name being gray :(
  4. Make our names colored too at least by kcs.......plssssssssss
  5. Can you give us a color name for the old player  please or it can buy by ec's 
  6. It's always the new players.. Why don't u let the old players pick a color
  7. Every time I see a grey player, I give them hell, and if they respond well they might get an invite to my club to grow
  8. ?Maybe people with more than 2 years of experience can get coloured names? Red ? Red's my favourite colour?
  9. There won't likely be colors for experienced players 

     I'm pretty sure the "grey" color that was implemented, was created only to keep new players around. The developers were likely noticing a trend that newer players were failing to be noticed on campus, and that led to a high rate of quitting or deleting this app. To Pimd, that meant potential lost earnings

    ? They want new players to get hooked, grow, but most importantly buy Pizzas and Cats. 
  10. Make colors for admins and owners of club so club announcements in cc like asking who has a cat or pizza to drop will stand out and so will other impt announcements
  11. Smart move pimd
  12. What happend to the purple????
  13. Now I know why sommeone is helping me, I sterted today" this is awesome Pimd.
  14. ★ bored....!
  15. I want to be orange :(
  16. Old thread, locked. Oh wait I'm not a mod. :p
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