I'm just start so tell me if I mess up ur comments r important. " Beep, beep,beep" is the sound I hear in the morning coming from my alarm clock. It say 8:00am. I hit the snozze button and think 5 more minutes but, I only have 20 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to school. My cousin Parker is in my door way shaking his head. He has been living with me and my cousin Cameron. They both started to live with me after my family died in a car crash 3 years ago when I was 13. Cameron says ," Parker , leave her alone" " No" he responds " She has been getting up way too late, she has to go to school." I suddenly hear my mom's voice " Baby it's ok. You can do it. Go to school for me please." I start crying , Parker and Cameron rush into my room, Cameron asks" what's wrong jas ?" " I heard my mom's voice. I miss her so much." I say and start sobbing . They look at each other , then I hear Parker on the phone letting the school know I'm not coming. Cameron gets vanilla ice cream ( my second favorite flavor) , spoons, and a few movies to watch together.
8 hours later ..... My boyfriend Ash is here. He asks Parker " How is jasmine? Why wasn't she in school today?" " She's fine. She started to cry . She heard her mom's voice." Parker responds. Ash comes in my room with his hands behind his back. He brings them in front of him, each holds a gift. I open one and it has a ring in it. He takes it and says" Jasmine, I love you with all my heart and I hope you the love of my life one day become my wife. I start to cry tears of joy and say" That was beautiful. I love you too." He hands me the other box and it has the rest f the set.
30 minutes later , I'm dressed and I have the set on. As we're walking in the park my phone goes off. " It's the spy agency " I tell him. I answer " Yes" "Jasmine you've gotten a mission." "Ok , so what is it?" " The president of the United Stateshas is endanger , somebody has been sending him threats to assinate him." " Ok , but why me?" " Because you look exactly like his daughter Anneliane" " Yeah, right don't mess with me" " I'm not messing with you, we did a little research and guess what we found out." "What?" " Your her twin sister. It turns out she was kidnapped when you two were only two.I've got some bad news. She tried to kill herself because she was depressed since she was being bullied at school." "Oh my god.I'll take the assignment .Thanks." I hang up and tell Ash and he freaks out.
He says" No. No way, jas you can get hurt, " I glare at him " Fine , but I'm coming." "Fine, we leave in 4 days," I reply We go back and. I tell Parker and Cameron everything. They both looked shocked when I toldd them about my identical twin. Cameron says " Jasmine I hope you two can get together after this and form a bond. That and I hope you kick ass." Two days later while me and Cameron are shopping for clothes for California. ( Cause that where he's giving 20 million $ to help research cures for luekima) Cameron stops me and says" Jas look I love you as a cousin , but promise me you won't die." " I promise" I said. The next day we go over to the agency headquarters for our gadgets.