July 4th Drew and I had gone to the beach on the Fourth of July, we were there all day just enjoying the day. And then he decided to kiss me. He slowly pulled me in as his lips gently touched mine. His eyes were closed softly while mine were wide open, shocked. Then suddenly we hear "Drew?!" We pull away instantly and look over to see a stunning blonde girl standing there with the look of disgust on her pretty little face. "Olivia?!" Drew's eyes get wide as he stands up. "What are you doing here?" "What am I doing here?! More like what are you doing here?! With that." She points at me with disgust as I stand up. "That? Did you seriously just call me 'That'?!" I was ready to sock this brat upside the face. "Olivia. Her names Macie, and I'm allowed to be here with her because you and I are no longer a thing, remember? Two months ago we broke up?" He stood in front of me and talked in a steady, calm voice. "Yes... Remember but jeez I didn't know you could downgrade that much. Ha ha." She laughed like a five year old. I wanted to kill it with fire. "Downgrade?!" Drew yelled, loud. "How the hell could Macie be a downgrade?! She's beautiful, funny, caring, meaningful, sweet, smart and ten million times better than you." He grabbed my hand and held it behind his back. "Oh wow that's funny? Because I remember john asking about her one time and I believe you made a barfing noise? If I remember correctly." She smiled like she had won or something. Drew turned around and looked at me with a worried sad face, like I was going to be mad or something. "You think that upsets me? That when he didn't know me he did that? If anyone would've asked me about him I would've gone on and on about how much of a DBag he was. So I don't blame him." I stepped forward from behind Drew and walked up to her "So I recommend you get your fake, snotty little brat butt out of here or we will have a problem." My heart was pounding. "Is that a threat?" She said like she had something on me. "No, but I can make one if you'd like me to." I smiled at her. "Fine, it's okay. You can have him. He'll wine and dine you, tell you you're special and then he'll leave you. Like he's done to everyone else. So you have fun with that." She smirked at me and walked away. I turned around to Drew. "Um..." He walked forward grabbed me and kissed me again. I have no idea what is with this kid and unexpectedly kissing people. We stood there on the beach while the fireworks were still going, kissing till our hearts content. I tried to enjoy it but I still couldn't get what Olivia had said out of mind mind. That he'd up and leave... It scared me. A lot.