•Adelaide's Asylum• Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Its_memay, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Somewhere unknown in Germany there is an asylum. Each patient has their own room with some necessities in it. Every patient has a different illness and his/hers own secret .

    You can be a patient or a nurse!
    Patient Skelly
    Nurse Skelly

    I will start this Rp when there is at least 5 patients and 3 nurses! Thank you
  2. Name: Beatrice Xarsonal
    Age: 18
    Appearance: She has dark blue hair that almost looks back, her hair goes down to her bum. She has green eyes, light skin, and light freckles. She has a tattoo on her neck of a bird. Her ears are pierced all the way up to her cartilage. She also has snake bite piercings under her lip. Many bruises are found on her arms, legs, and stomach
    Illness: doctors pronounced her insane due to a large amount of abuse
    Other: she doesn't remember her family, friends, or anyone she used to know
  3. Name: Vanssa Van Togon.
    Age: 16
    Illness: was pronounced has lung cancer ( no one knows how she got it only her and her bf ash.)
  4. Appearance: blonde hair down to waist hot pink streaks.Triple preieced ears and diamond stud in her nose.
    Sliver - blue eyes height 5'5 . Always wearing some type of jewelry or sneakers

    Other: keeps to herself , shy hardly speaks and when she does is super low. Was adventurous till diagonesed and out going. Can sing was in a band played lead guitar/singer skateboards . Secretly loves reading . Loves doing sports. And has highest record of chugging down 15 cartons of milk in less than 10 minutes. and has a tatto of a heart dripping blood with an arrow through it and spelling out love and falling into a sea of blood on her back.
  5. ((I hope my sign-up is up to par!!))
    Delilah-May Jaxx


    Delilah has short to long wavy auburn hair, the short length in the back comes to just above mid-neck and longest part comes a little above the shoulders. Eyes are a dull sea-green colour and occasionally wears glasses. In her ears she only has size 2g. On her left leg she has a sunflower tattoo the covers her thigh. Then on the back of her neck is a fish. On her wrists is the scales of justice and the libra sign. Has the approximate height of 5"7.

    Delilah was diagnosed with anorexia and mild-anxiety which is followed by panic attacks.

    Had a very quiet home life, Parents were working but loving. Just never there enough but Delilah never blames them for anything.
  6. Mark
    Short cut blonde hair and blue eyes. A pale complexion with the occasional freckle dotting his skin. He has well defined features and is tall. Some call him handsome. He tends to look grim and serious but when he smiles it can be creepy and enchanting at the same time.
    Was diagnosed insane due to his sadistic and masochistic tendencies
    Bio: he choses not to share his past due to the rough situations he went through, including being on the streets of frankfurt for a while.
  7. Can i create two characters.
  8. Name- Darcy Bankos
    Appearance- 5"8, Long platinum blonde hair with light brown eyes. Hair is usually kept in a bun or braids. Skin has a light tan complexion and has a few freckles here and there.
    Job- Head Nurse [If that's a problem. I can change it]
  9. Would you guys like to start?
  10. You can create 2 characters but try to have one as a nurse
  11. Angel 
    When she was 5, wings started growing in her back and her parents freaked out, along with wings, she started creating white fire (if that's ok) and her parents gave her to the hospital to be tested on 
  12. Hmm... Alright. I'll let that one slide.
  13. *Along with fire, my bad
  14. Or should I make another illness? Like a more normal one? 
  15. Haha that would help
  16. Angel 
    Forget the wings in that
    Angel's parents were abusive, and they hated her, they always liked her sister better, so as a sick plan, they claimed that she had gone crazy and tricked her, next thing you know she was sent off, even her sister was sad and she tried to explain that her sister wasn't crazy but it was too late
    Other: Angel doesn't trust and she hesitant's a lot, she tries to keep to her self
  17. Ok thank you
  18. [Im excited for this RP.]
  19. *We should start*
  20. I need most of the people who made Skellys to post something on here