Tbh i hated when ppl said it too. But thing is they are right. Like what i have said on many threads as i will now. Do i like that wc is full of spam with ppl wanting rp? No. But it is a role playing game. Now what ppl are judging on is the TYPE OF RP. In all honesty if it is the "dirty rp" ppl hate… why bother putting others down for what they like to do? They are not bugging you for rp and if someone does all you need to do is block them. So in no way what they are doing with another person is harming you. Just bcuz you don't do something nor like it doesn't mean you should push your views down on ppl who like it. If that was how we all would be then we could bitch just about any aspect of another person life if you don't like one thing. Which can be religion, politics, how fat ppl are, life style, exercise, guys, ect. The list can go on. But why do so when it has no effect on your life and how you do things. Do what makes you happy but don't come down on others for what they are doing to make themselves happy. Def when it is not causing harm to themselves or others.
WOW! u know all I see from the OP was u pretty much judging ppl and what they do with their lives bc its not what you want to see on Campus. Sec. I thought it was really funny when u had the nerve to tell ppl if they have nothing nice to say than don't post here ? Really ?!?! What the heck r u doing ? That makes u one of the biggest hypocrites around. How are you going to sit here and trash p and their preferred usage of this "game" yes its a social game. Thus the game, so what if ppl want to rp, to them its a game. A game if the imagination, crying out loud you might as well also bash dungeon's & dragon's as well that's a rp game. Rp can be more than just one type which that's all you have so seemed to make it out to be (which is dirty rp). I mean let them be for crying out loud. If they want to rp about creatures to features I don't see y it is anyones business. I mean now that I think about it maybe you should pick up a hobby or something bc at least the rp's r coming up w plenty of things to do besides making a thread about something so stupid lol
?I'm confused, you're dating someone on here yet commented "how could people sit and talk to strangers on here", or something like that, furthermore my comment is just "wow".?
You all are STUPID? I've no idea why this is still being argued over, tbh everyone has their opinion towards rp, some think it's ok some don't. Let everyone think what they want, STOP trying to make people think rp is good, and STOP trying to make other people think it's bad that way we will all be happy. It's their right to think what they want stop trying to change that if they're not willing to, pretty dumb. Bye?
It can be quite annoying seeing as the majority of campus posts are asking for RP and i do think it would be a nice idea if there was some kind of place for RPers to ask for their RP rather than doing so in campus. I have nothing against RP. But OP, this thread wont change anything due to the fact that RPers dont seem to use forums and also the fact that alot of people RP so there would be no way too stop it. You all have your opinions and i think its only fair that OP has hers and you leave her be.