How to find FARMS :D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SethRollins, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Okay. Well today is your guide to find farms.

    Step 1

    Go to world chat.

    Step 2

    Ask for naughty rp.

    Step 3

    Whoever walls, follows, or gifts you after that farm them if you're able to.

    Ta-Da :D
  2. In before FuBu 
  3. Shoo statless alt?
  4. Naughty Rp
  5. lulz

    I'm not an alt. My old account was given down to my nephew.

    But that's my farming method also volley me lol
  6. Your family knows you play pimd!!  wow
  7. What's so bad at that? My wife went through my phone and tells my family that I'm addicted.

    pfff lol
  8. bump

    did anybody see that?
  9. ? Your name!
  10. I could be him or I couldn't ;)

    jk no famous athlete would play pimd.

    I'm a huge fan of his even tho he betrayed the shield :)
  11.  I so support this and will do with an alt
  12.  dat the wanna be barcode noob dat farm 6-8k
  13. I've seen people silenced for asking for naughty RP... Well "dirty/sexy RP". If you are in US campus, you don't even have to ask... Many others will do that work die you, but mostly stats 200kcs can't hit
  14. *for... My auto correct is so negative
  15. No blue for you
  16. Kind of hard when they're all like 1 kcs
  17. I've seen one with 2 MCs and he was active for 3 days. I think he's a cc fag.