[Prom Wars]The War-drobe Walk-Offs

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Stats not update for club plunder in war... ata plz take note...
  2. @ PIMD
    Can you increase the number of drops for the winners after the war from 10 limos to 50 limos ? People wait 90 minutes before the war starts then war 2 hours and then maybe win & can only get 85 limos max while the losers can get 75limos max. Basically there isn't that big of a gap between the winners and losers. There should atleast be a bigger different than just 10 more than the losers..
  3. Worst war everrrrrrr. Why put 700kcs with new 2.8mcs? Keep them seperate same stat wars
  4. I believe that depends on how many sign up. If only a few signed up, the stats will be a little more spread out, because there isn't as many
  5. Seems like war 2 is not a good time with very few sign ups.
  6. I just recently won one, it gave me the limos but I see no battle gloves or tiara 
  7. Can't we have them.rotating at different times? You make us Australian. Stay up past 3am and than have to get up 8am it'. I'm possible for almost everyone of us if we could have it rotating it would be fairer on everyone
  8. The timing for SGT is not favorable ? it'll be hell to wake up at 6am just for war ? I hope the devs can do something about it..
  9. I cant join one
  10. It's because of less people that participate. Maybe @pimd should make it only 10 for each club. 10vs10.
  11. Since @pimd make it not so interesting or worth to join and some people still complain about the war time.
  12. 8kcs meet 120kcs in war. Nice. I'm so scare now.
  13. Please @pimd, make it 10vs10 or 5vs5 war due the less appliances.
  14. Maybe not so much timing seeing how bad the turn out is for this war as well, kinda shows how much people worry about their fake money and fake battle stats, worried that they will lose VIP rankings or lose money, worries about the hunt instead of warring. Many of those who say to bring wars back don't even do that many wars, it's kinda getting sad now how pathetic the turn outs are, lcbc same war with 600kcs? 23 members only? How many lcbc are there? And can't even get like 6 for this war? Sad sad sad :(
  15. I skipped it cuz yesterdays sucked without full bc was gonna join the afternoon one again ig this one had full bc but its even worse then the one last night
  16. wars dont help with ec money bro lol
  17. Agreed this turnout is pathetic