Blocked so can't communicate but just asking how you make someone club farm over something petty and you the only 1 farming. Been like what 1? 2? Weeks now you made no progress so you get more lcbc t6 and a little...what my gf got lol
First you then 5 days no progress now you and -hellboy- now 2 weeks now you -hellboy- and -TPR_dudewheresmyboard im not even full t6 lol feel like a soilder...
Shouldn't bring your farming drama to forums. Def if you aint gonna explain what happened. Bcuz atm you just look butt hurt.
I was trying to lbh at the beginning of the hunt I was following tpr take me home to all the clubs that she went to so I could keep up in the hunt then I went offline came back she was in tpr so i applied and they asked did i have cat i said i only wanted to lbh like takemehome then an admin said they not accepting lbh (LYING) because seconds later after i stop talking to that one admim another walled me and i said same thing and they said takemehome only joins for lbh (I don't see how that's fair, leech off everyone else cc or pizzza last bar) so i got accept by her she asked did i have a cat i said " yeah i do? Then i was just sitting in the club after that' party due to work for those 2 days. Then i left when i was active and then an admin said i didn't drop cat, im like yeah i know i didn't say i would. Why would i drop cat and not party...drop my cat to stay for like 3 days? when I was already in the club gor it 2 not doing any parties. Lol and they obviously didnt read my status message I currently have it now if you want to see it. Then 2 admins started complain the let in and the liar. They let was taking the liar just start hitting after no response.i explained how i never agreed to drop cat and why would I take me home is going to join and leech why would i pay? Da hell lol. So he declared club farm on me 2 days later........hes thethe
....he is the only one farming. He says i lied but so he "No farming issues, talk" club wall. Lol but Anyway hes only person taking it serious others didn't care but after 4 days of farming no progress he gets another person involved "feeling stupid he was not getting anywhere" other person not even part of club, comon now you getting help your lcbc t6 max i still got like all T5 LMAO!!!! Now 8 days no progress he gets another person to help hit like comon how sad can you get? Need those people to take pressure of you? I pass 1/50 hits comon now AND THAT'S WHEN YOU SP!!! Didn't see the post about y'all asking what happened sorry for the wait~Drake (trying to get his character)
isn't take me home apart of tpr... if she still is then u shouldn't have got upset and you said leeching of last bars wasn't you trying to do the same and when they asked did you have a cat and u said yea then they assumed you was going to drop urs I'm sure u knew that when they let u in
I was trying to follow tpr and that is where i think u are wrong how is a fair for someone with a member of the club to get free cc pp parties off other droppers if that's the case everyone would perm member and no one would join to drop cats duh, and well making assumption not got and settling on it. Im assuming they gonna release t6 lv4 next week ....
Well obviously they just was thirsty for my cat and didn't read message...takes 2 seconds lol but thx for response ^
Dude. You're always composing on forums. Put on your big boy panties and grow up. Worst of all, it's never in English