
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Oox-Zoe-xoO, May 25, 2011.

  1. Yes I do you know I do 
  2. Amazing story Rose .
  3. Awwww ty Rex Hun 
  4. Moar, it's awzome
  5. "hey babe!" scarlet shouted walking towards me in her cheerleaders uniform "your late what happened?"
    "oh y'know head called me in" I said dropping my bag on the floor
    Scarlet laughed "what you done now?"
    "ugh, don't get me started sca"
    "well I'm getting you started so tell!" she laughed
    "well.... Y'know that new kid?"
    "oh my god yes! He's so hot"
    "well we fought in the corridor infront of mrs peters" I said quietly
    "oh my god ruby!!" scarlet laughed loudly throwing her head back "your one of the most popular girls at this school, that wasn't the best way to help your reputation was it?"
    "I guess not but the pothead deserved it, acting like he owned the place when it's only his first day here"
    "hmmmm" scarlet said "so let's get these try outs started then?"
    I sighed and started walking over towards the table, I sat down and looked down the list of applicants, a few names I recognised as applicants from last year, another name caught my eye but I'd deal with it later "NEXT!" I shouted for the next person to start

    A very beautiful girl walked infront of me, she was very tall and had long slender legs, blonde hair and deep emerald green eyes, my breath caught in my throat and I quickly breathed in again "name?!" I shouted out to the girl dreading the answer
    "Charlie Crutchley" she answered in a smooth voice
    I coughed loudly "and do you have any past experience in cheerleading?"
    "nope, but I have alot of experience in being er.... Very flexible" she winked at me and I felt my anger growing up inside of me
    "any siblings in this school?"
    She laughed loudly "you already know the answer to that" she started giving me the evils
    "yeah I do" I gave them back "well good luck"
  6. I had to admit it. She was a good dancer and mover and would help the squad alot. I turned to scarlet "ah crap, she's really good but she's also brother with pothead" I whispered to her
    "hmmm" scarlet whispered back "too true rube but she is good and who knows she might be different from her brother"
    I laughed "I bloody well doubt it"
    Charlie finished her routine "so am I in the squad?" she smirked at me
    "wait for the list to be posted tomorrow in your form room, if your name is on there then you made it, if not then good luck next year"

    I watched all the applicants, some were pretty good and others were terrible but Charlie still outshone them all in performance "were gonna have to let her join" I said moodily banging my head on the table, scarlet placed her hand soothingly on my neck
    "I'm afraid your right ruby... We do"
  7. My sister was a bitch

    She was right though lmao

    She had black hair though xD
  8. I hate Charlie.

    And this is kinda like Twilight...
  10. Twilight is bad...

    Never watched but it's shit according to people I know
  11. Nope it's gonna be nothing like twilight vivi I promise
  12. I walked into my bedroom and threw myself on the bed groaning with exhaustion. I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket and I got it out expecting it to be a text from Damien, instead it was scarlet


    I sighed heavily and threw my phone across the room I couldn't be bothered with friend problems right now, I was too focused on getting the routine just perfect for the sectionals in 3 months time.

    I got off the bed and walked over to my stero turning it on to full blast, my cd was still playing rihanna, I smiled, I could work on a routine to her easily.

    I stepped into the centre of my room and started counting the beats in my head. After the 8th beat I started performing last years winning routine, I finally felt myself start to relax.
  13. "RUBY!!!!! TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!!!" mum shouted up the stairs at me, I grumbled and did as I was told
    "YES MUM!!!!" I shouted back, I look around my room and wondered what to do next.

    A shiny leaflet caught my eye in my bag, I walked over to it


    I pondered for a moment and decided to give it ago. I sat down at my desk infront of my laptop and logged onto the website,

    HI! welcome to breacon beacons new email, what is your name?

    I looked down and saw a box with the typing enter name here, I started typing in ruby but something in the back of my head stopped me, instead I wrote Zoe, and that is where all the problems started.
  14. Yay, an update:)

    I love this story 
  15. This story is amazing! But I don't want her to fall for conner!
  16. Lol thanks guys  hubz is making me do 2 updates a day  or atleast try too 