boring days

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *oooooooooooooooooooo (03), Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Anyways, always go for: personality/ compatibility first. Face second, body third.
  2. Meh sometimes I look worse with makeup on 
  3. :lol: pickles

    If I was drowning, would you come save me pickles? ;)

    But I can't swim either ,_,

    I'm not drownin in water, more like a sea of women B).

    Someone call the Navy, I got lost is Pickles beautiful eyes ;)

    *ovaries explodes*
  4. I just use mascara lol
  5. LOL PHILIP!! ️
  6. Lmao Philly you're too much sometime. I'm dyin rn
  7. I never used too but I do now

    I wear makeup when I'm out with friends though, sometimes ?
  8. Happy 6/9! Grab a partner! Any partner and just 69 
  9. Well, they are beautiful. So it's understandable why you're drowning. 
  10. ? Philly only wants 69…
  11. I swear to god. His face and his personality do not match. 
  12. I want 6666666699999999

    Or 69696969696969

    An orgy  on the beach, and everyone's invited 
  13. I agree with pickles 
  14. ???? he looks like e stays home all day, plays some anime games for Xbox and stares at his collection of Pokemon cards, while his gf, his left hand, and him "cuddle"

    LOL jk 
  15. Boring is when u don't have ur bestfriend around. For good.
  16. I guess he's the perfect reason why we should never judge a book by it's cover 
  17. LOL yes!!

    And yore attractive too, girl
  18. Pickles is stereotyping Asians. 