iv got a cold

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Naomi68, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. NyQuil is life
  2. Speaking of cereal, has anyone tried it with orange juice? I know it was a gross fad a while ago, but I never wanted to mess up a bowl of cereal that badly. ?
  3. A fly dropped in it.
    Definitely not eating it anymore.

    Sure, Punisher.
  4. I never go to the DR cause I ain't lame. I rough it out in bed and eat really good and then feel good. Eventually.
  5. Noooooooooo not a fly.
  6. Me 2 m also sick.... n I just cant get out of my bed :-(
  7. I'm so sickk, I infect medicine.

    Be dazzled!

  8. I dropped my ice cream..

    Bai mi anader wan plis.
  9. Really ? or ur Lucy twin ?
  10. Hey guys I feel better
  11. Hope you feel better pickles