Bunanza for Honor Student

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Anna- (02), Jun 7, 2014.

  1. 2 people have said no ?
  2. Oh that is bunanza :? But he is tiny :? Why you no bc old noob?
  3. I'm an old noob and not bc you scrub
  4. Bunanza was inactive for a long time so how do you expect him to upgrade?
  5. Old people have to bc?
  6. Put in a good word footlong ️
  7. Yes. All old noobs should be bc :?
    P.s i couldn't have said it better myself footlong
  8. We should start an old noob DV fund. So anyone that's been here for over years and isn't BC can get DV'd do BC 
  9. I think Juubi tried to that for Warrior but it failed :lol:
  10. No DV for you. That'd take ages ? Grow Bun! Grow!
  11. Id DV you enough to get like 100-200k stats but that's so much time  and money
  12. Leo I'm struggling 
    Someone feed me 
  13. Bun get like 750M I'll help you get like 4B 