
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by o_0-_-Pookie_MF_Diamond-_-0_o, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. im addicted to popcorn and *** (you can guess urself lol)
  2. Who isn't Anna  well I'm not just saying 
  3. Asexual people aren't 
  4. All of us are addicted to pimd obviously 
  5. I'm addicted to checking my hair for split ends and the show "Whitest Kids U'Know" 
  6. Some are not. :p
  7. Chinita those are just lies we tell ourselves but deep down we are 
  8. Sad to say, I'm partially addicted to this app.?
  9. Tommy Joe's tattoos. His guitar. His guitar playing. His face. Zomg. /Starstruck/ 
  10. Its sad for us all Crystal ? Pimd has us trapped in this cyber world but I love it 
  11. But i have friends in rl that played this game. But after a days they quit. So, they're not addicted.

  12. that doesn't count lol
  13. I have a crazy addiction to caffeine
    Like a very dependent addiction it's the only way I can get through my day ?
  14. Same here! My body craves it ?
  15. Just rereading these comments from some of you guys makes me cry of laughter 
  16. I am enjoying three of my favorite addictions right now. 1. Scotch, "Scotchy Scotch Scotch" 2. BBQ pork skins, Yeah I am from the country, get over it. 3. PIMD, I would hate to know how much I have actually spent on this game. I hope everyone has fun with Pookie's post and come visit us at _SYNERGY_
  17. Bruce you and me both  I think too much huh?? I freaking love BBQ pork skins! 
  18. reading , coffee and PIMD
  19. I would say that I'm addicted to pop.

    I mean, I'm a pop connoisseur. Yeah. That.