I Have An Idea For Gifting. We Should Be Able To Pick The Quantity For The Gifts. For Example, You're Trying To Send Your Friend 25 Roses. Wouldn't It Be Annoying To Have To Keep Clicking Send Gift Over And Over? This Is Why I Think We Should Be Able To Choose Quantities Of Gifts.
It would only go up to 10 and then their inbox may already be filled with 5 so wouldn't really work but if there is a way then sure
It's a great idea. I will find it convenient to bulk-send a gift but they'll need to expand our gift inboxes in order for this to work. Just like Max said, bulk-sending will fill our gift inboxes. ?
This has been suggested before, and as I recall, someone made a good point. It would be very easy to gift-spam someone, especially if the maximum was raised/deleted, so there should be a reject all button too.
This has been posted on forum WAYYYYYYYYY too many times by other players. And nothing was done. So I think people should stop making such useless threads.
While I love the idea, it has been suggested so many times and I believe that ATA has said they will not be making any future upgrade containing that feature.