
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCel_Cel, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. my ears plz don't let chely sing then she going to sent it to me?
  2. go look cel lol

    shut it jesse ill send it to u too
  3. ?

    she messed up anyways, omg funniest thing 
  4. Hell yea
  5. Omg lmao

    Cel n jesse
    Go listen to it again lol
    lol @ we jumped never asking why lol
    its sounds like i said we Dumb never asking why

    :'( My english sucks
  6. ?

    she's terrible
  7. cel why you hating now she got a beautiful voice
  8. ?

    ??why are you lying to her, bad friend you are
  9. ?I'm not she better go to America idolgreat voicego girl
  10. ?

  11. What the hell Celine ??
    Where's my thread ??

  12. ?

    ?Luke you don't deserve a thread 
  13. ?

    ?stahp that's my emoji

    Use this 
  14. ?

  15. Throwing words like awesome and limited edition around hmmm again chely has sat under the learning tree of awesomeness where i groomed her i gave her the inspiration she needed so thank me you're welcome
  16. Shuuuut up Nar lol
    U learned from me!!!

    :'( lukey u dont talk to me anymore
    Booooo :'''(
  17. Chely is awesome! I would try's her with cleaning my dog using only her mouth...I have that much faith in her.