People's Award [Speech n Vote]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jun 4, 2014.

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  1. Raven 

    Ecbc lol true that.
  2. I'm not breaking the A trend, I swear, I'm secretly a part if their fam .. But since I disqualified myself, I want to cast my vote for Raven ??
  3. Says the self proclaimed 'captain' 
  4. This person is such a negative Nancy 
    Cheer up and get your panties out of a bunch. Never happy on any thread lol. Miserable.
  5. Nolan ftw
  6. Did I not just put a laughing emoji?
    Learn to read.
    I'm not negative.
    I'm just honest.
    I comment on many threads that are 'funny' and I'll actually have a laugh.

    So you can shoo away with your bullshit comments.
  7. Be gone, you peasant. 
  8. ? RAVEN ?
    She's very outspoken and doesn't
    kiss up to anyone. 

    Hope colour code works?
  9. I place a vote for raven ?
  10. -BCS-MaryJaneParker

    I would like to nominate Maryjane for being such a great pupil helping me grow and for being such a great club owner helping people with different kcs grow stronger and keep them active, she is know as a pimd mother to lots of us and we thank you for being so amazing mum thank you.
    I would also like to thanx a dear freind CHEWBACCA for being here for me since the beginning of pimd you also helped me grow and I am very greatful thank you
    You ate an amazing freind and club owner you are just the best thank you
  11. STD RevolutionaryWolf
    I would like to thank one last person and it is you STD RevolutionaryWolf for giving me and every1 a chance ti give our speeches and be able to vote
  12. ECBC Noob, ROTFLMFAO!!!!

    Nolan FTW.
  13. Vote is for Nolan!
  14. Vote for Nolan

    He's patient w new people n gives a lot of advise
  15. I vote for Raina. (-OG-Rainabow)
    Outside of forums, she is the most helpful person ever. She is always ready to help others. She is so patient and caring towards others. She is truly an inspiration for me and others.
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