The Feminism Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Anna- (02), Jun 4, 2014.

  1. So someone made a thread about being more understanding but it turned into a feminism discussion. So I apologize to that chick and have made a new thread

    So I would not call myself a feminist because frankly I have no idea what that entails. I do support the baseline values that everyone should follow and it's found in my bible. Love your neighbor with all your heart and treat them as you want to be treated. Basically treat everybody well, give them the benefits, rights, treatment they deserve regardless of gender or whatnot. Do right by everybody.

    Anyway I would just like to hear more about feminism and hopefully have some of my inquiries answered.

    Such as:

    - Can what women want infringe upon rights of other guys? I'm talking about abortion (the father not really having a say in what happens to the baby because it's the woman's body) In child custody debates the woman is favored.

    - I get that many women support equal treatment but what about women with the more traditional viewpoint who still don't mind being helped or aided by men. Since generally men want to aid why not let them? Why penalize a guy for helping you because you feel he's undermining you strength as a woman. I feel like you should treat people based on who they are as a person. Regardless of gender. Some people want you to help them open the pickle jar, some people will hate you for even suggesting they can't open the pickle jar

    - I think what is considered "sexist" or labeled as sexism has been blown way out of proportion. So I would love to hear what people consider sexist and what is not

    - continuing on the path of sexism.... Female objectification. The rape issue, rape culture. What is it? As in how would you define it? Is it wrong for men to appreciate the female body? When are they crossing the line? When do compliments become objectification? When does "you look so fine" become "I want to rape you" (the asterisks are a type of assault)

    - Lastly, I get that women should be free to be and wear and do whatever they want. But has female liberation been taken too far? Should public nudity be allowed? When you bring sex into culture and so taint it with media and exploitation and porn and it's everywhere, then you have naked/half women and men everywhere all the time.... It just makes my head roll. Call me a prude. But where are our family values? The breasts, the penis, the vagina, the nipples, the abs, just nudity in general. I mean am I wrong for wanting to scream cover up whenever I go to the mall? Keep in mind I extended nudity to males too, because honestly who even wants to wear clothes these days? If you consider African tribes that roam around naked backwards what are we becoming?

    - okay I know I said that was the last one but now I'm thinking about self love. I know loving yourself is important but maybe we're taking that just tad too far

    **** I'm here to bash anyone. I just want to hear people's opinions on things and I know that pimd has many great minds and many great trolls and many lackluster minds and lackluster trolls. So I look forward to what this discussion will bring.

    (Sorry for lack of bb codes, I'm tired)
  2. :roll: Short version: Talk about feminism, rape culture, and self love
  3. NOT omg ***I'm not here to bash anyone.
  4. Hmmm shoulda made it shorter
  5. ?too long read first paragraph and gave up
  6.  I'm requesting a lock. Sorry guys.
  7. oh huh. Well you I love myself very much :?
  8. I read everything and understand where you are coming from
  9. In before lock 
  10. ? I just wish it would die or someone would comment with their viewpoint or something. Meh, maybe ill give it more time.
  11. I personally can relate with some of these points especially in particular the one about men helping...growing up all I ever heard was women can't do what men do and it drove me mad as I would see that it was very false! So now that I am married it's hard to let my husband help me do anything because I was raised in a home where that's all I heard from the men in my family! It's a working process!
  12. Keep it. It's just a long ass post. So hard to reply quickly ?
  13. I'm feminist, and because of how feminists are portrayed and the opinions a lot of people have about feminists, I can say that I don't easily say I am one.

    On sexism and all that: Let me shed a little light on what an "ism" is. There's a power factor to it. So because historically men have had more power than women, there can only be sexism against women. Men can say that feminists try to oppress men, or that we are making things hard for them and being sexist towards men (I've heard all this before) but I'm here to say that we technically can't do that. Men have had more rights and power since the beginning and they definitely don't go through the same things we have to go through. Now, just thought I'd finish by saying why I'm a feminist: because I want equality for all genders, because I want girls everywhere to get an education, because I want kids everywhere to feel safe, and because of the book that inspired me to learn more about these issues: Half the Sky
  14. No its not wrong for men to appreciate the female body, but when a women says no that means no. Also i believe that you shouldnt shame girls for their bodies we should be teaching guys that were not sexual objects. Why is it that breasts, butts, legs or any part of the body is so distracting to a guy where he wants to harm and rape a women. Instead of teaching boys at a young age that girls arent sexual object we brushed it off as boys will be boys and girls cant wear this or do this because boys will be boys.
  15. My personal views on women getting abortions is that it should be a joint decision between the parents, a woman making the decision to abort on her own is taking away the man's right to be a father.
    That said, if the pregnancy is the result of a one night stand for instance, i believe that women can make whatever decision they want

    Clothing wise, particularly from my part of the world, is frustrating, girls from a young age dress in very little, and as soon as they see a guy looking at them, they have a go. Do they seriously think that theyll receive no attention by having everything out on show? or are they simply doing it on purpose because they enhoy the attention and dont want to be thought of as a slut? which is another problem in society, people should be able to dress how they want without judgement
    Any straight man will look at a woman who has her body on show.
    This can also be said of women, a man who is scantily clad will also be the object of much attention by women.

    Sexism is a very sensitive subject which seems to be thrown about without much conviction. There is however an issue with the way it is used and what is deemed acceptable. There is a programme on British TV called Loose Woman (its a panel show with a bunch of middle aged woman). Not always but occasionally they will make sexist jokes about men and there is no reaction at all from anyone. Im sure if there was a show with a panel of men making similar jokes there would be uproar about it, now i think there is clearly something wrong there… im a supporter of equal rights but it should be wrong for anybody to make any prejudicial joke about anyone else and there should be no exceptions.
    (Sorry about that rant, its a subject i get heated about)

    The amount of sex in the public eye is also a little disturbing, there's nothing more awkward than seeing something provocative or "saucy" on tv or on magazines at eye level when im out with my little brother or sister.
  16. You don't have to be a women to be a feminist. I think that's the flaw with your statements.
  17. I'm not sure anyone said you have to woman to be a feminist...
  18. I dont see that either xD
  19. Pookie I think on the whole women vs. men thing. Both sexes can do anything they want. I think a lot of people make a big deal out of common courtesies when the interaction is between a man and a woman. It's like people declaring chivalry is dead because no one opens the door for them and then guys saying chivalry is dead because women killed it. Chivalry isn't dead, if anything it simply needs to be revamped. What's considered chivalrous doesn't mean it only extends to men. Everyone should help each regardless of if their men and women. We should live in a society that kind things and a helping hand are given to everyone regardless of who they are to the point that it's not even considered chivalry, it's simply the norm.